Formidable Websites Down

Date:  December 22, 2014
Updated:  November 7th, 2015
Updated:  September 4th, 2016

Dear Readers,

In the last 3 years we have had some very impressive websites disappeared from the Web. was the one of the foremost truth movement podcast websites.

It was hosted by Vyzygoth, who's real name is Keith Hansen. He was assisted by his Web

designer and friend Ang.

Here are some other websites that are down:

Rejected Knowledge, Podcasting by AKA Gordon Comstock

George Gordon, Instead go to First Amendment Radio for his podcasts

SAUCER SMEAR Magazine, Old but impressive snail mail news letter, Darryl Eberhart's website containing articles and information from

numerous books, chronicling the atrocities of the Vatican, Jesuits, and the Catholic church.

This formidable website is down at this time, and we are not able to access this website via

the internet Wayback Machine.  Hopefully, this will change.

These links have removed these from my various link pages.

Update:  September 4th, 2016

Janet Phelan's website is down.

A link to Darryl Eberhart's website has been added to the Vatican section.  It's archive can

be accessed via the internet Wayback Machine.

-Your Correlation 99 publisher